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Moon Phase
Astro Night

Margaret Watson LRPS AFIAP




Equipment A breif description of the current equipment and software that I use. more..

Observatory Calculations

Observatory Calculations This is a calculator page that I use when I am in the observatory so I can get at easily from the PC. more..

Observatory Construction, Page 1

Observatory Construction, Page 1 Details of the construction of my observatory which was started on 11th April 2010. more..

Observatory Construction, Page 2

Observatory Construction, Page 2 Details of the construction of my observatory which contined through to August 2011. more..

Observatory Construction, Page 3

Observatory Construction, Page 3 While the Flappy panels seemed a good idea at the time back in 2011, and I suppose it was as it has worked very well over the past 4 years, the Sun of summer and -5C winters has finally destroyed them. Although they where made of 20mm thick marine grade ply the harsh environment caused the ply's to badly delaminate. After a lot of investigation I decided to go for the 2.2M short wall GRP dome manufactured by Pulsar. more..
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