PHOTOGRAPHY BY Margaret Watson LRPS AFIAP | | Astro Gallery, Nebulae, Sh2-101 Tulip Nebula in HOO |
Mouseover image to see plate solved annotations, click image to see it at a larger size. Sh2-101 Tulip Nebula in HOOImage contains IC1310, NGC6883, NGC6871
Reference: | 1025 | Date taken: | August 2014 | Location: | Galera, Andalucia, Spain | Imaging telescope: | Takahashi FSQ85EDX @ 328mm | Imaging camera: | Atik 383L+ | Camera setpoint: | -10C | Mount: | Takahashi EM200 Temma 2M | Guiding telescope: | ST-80 | Guiding camera: | SSAG | Filters: | Baader Ha, OIII, SII | Light frames: | Ha=36x600s, OIII=36 x 600s, SII=36 x 600s each of 2 panels | Integration: | 36 hours | Dark frames: | 35 | Flat frames: | 20 each channel | Bias frames: | 35 | Capture software: | Maxim DL | Guiding software: | Maxim DL | Processing software: | Pixinsight, Photoshop CC2014 with Noel Carboni's Actions, Nik Tools | Accessories: | Lakeside Focusser | | | Processing notes: | Two panel mosaic merged with Gradient Merge Mosaic function in PixInsight using the HOO palette |
Center (RA, Dec): (301.489, 35.515)
Center (RA, hms): 20h 05m 57.280s
Center (Dec, dms): +35 30' 52.231"
Size: 4.34 x 3.05 deg
Radius: 2.650 deg
|  | Online plate solving courtesy of |
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